Crafted by Derek Chalebois, certified personal trainer, Lifestyle Cut Diet is an incredible lifestyle diet program. Exclusively designed for people looking to build strong body without gaining weight, the program is completely based on scientific theories and is very realistic.

What is Lifestyle Cut Diet?

Long list of diet plans might make it difficult for you to figure out the most apt plan for you. However, lifestyle cut diet can really fulfill your requirements. Unlike fad diet programs, which stay prevalent for some time only and then disappear, the program being meant to transform your life will render you an enviable body for lifetime.

Lifestyle cut diet being low carb diet program asks its dieters to consume several small meals in a day. Small meals have been given supreme importance in the plan because they keep check on your insulin level.

Hunger pangs being directly related to your blood sugar level cause spike in it. You are very likely to feel impressed by the program due to its exclusive features such as no calorie counting, no elimination of foods, and myriad other mind blowing features.

Why Fad Diet Plans Fail?

Derek contends, mostly fad diet plans fail because they claim to do a load of things in short run, which actually is not feasible. Moreover, to attain swift results, these plans prompt you to eliminate your loved foods from diet.

Dieters already build up contempt for such programs which make them devoid of their favorite foods. That’s the reason, they don’t remain stick to them for long and consistently feel eager to revert to their old foods.

In addition to that, fad diet programs compel you to be on very low calorie diet. Low calorie diet passes message to your body that it’s going through starvation, and your body mold itself according to low calorie foods; as a result of which your metabolism slows down.

Work Mechanism of Lifestyle Cut Diet

Unlike other diet programs which rely on melting weight from your body by cutting the number of calories, lifestyle cut diet believes in making you slender with the aid of healthy and nutritious foods.

Making your body deprived of foods is not the key to losing weight, key actually lies in trimming down the portion size of foods. Dieters are not allowed to skip their meals and are recommended to have all their meals on proper time. Besides that, their diet should contain healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids.

Maintain pH Level of Your Body

Lifestyle cut diet believes in upholding the pH level in your body to keep you healthy and slim forever. To retain the pH level, you have to be wary about the kinds of foods you feed to your body. Make sure that the foods you are eating are not acidic in nature because acidic foods lower the pH of the body. pH value ranges from 0 to 14, while 0 means immensely acidic, 14 implies highly basic. 7 being the neutral point condense the acidity of foods by adding certain foods in them. For example, if you are making omelet, add some raisins and almonds also into that. Both the ingredients will shrink the acidity of omelet and will make it a balanced diet.

Nutrient Density

Derek advises his dieters, instead of consuming whatever comes in front of you, stay vigilant about the nutrient density of foods. Carbs, vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, and water are the six most important nutrients. While having your meals, think what nutrients are you feeding to your body.

Should you always bear nutrient density in your mind while having your meals, you will automatically begin having reverence for foods providing nutrients to your body. Among all these nutrients, water being the paramount nutrient should be consumed in enormous quantity.

Selection of healthy fats is quite tricky. Just check out what kind of fat content is there in the foods you have selected to include in your diet. Also, avoid eating foods containing cholesterol because it is naturally produced by your body in sufficient amount.

Workouts in Lifestyle Cut Diet

Workouts have been made an inseparable part of the diet program. Dieters are recommended to practice strength training five days in a week. You shall spend at least 30-45 minutes in a day on strength training and aerobics.

Besides fetching your body in perfect shape by sculpting your body, strength training will also build up your strength. If you don’t feel like doing weight lifting or other exercises, you can go along with cardio workouts.

Recommended Diet Regime and Food Items

Lifestyle cut diet endorses consumption of one or two cups of green and leafy veggies, 4-6 oz of lean protein, and 10-20 grams of fats. You shall also inculcate fruits in your daily diet. To make the diet schedule more congenial for the dieter, Derek has permitted them to relish two to three cheat days in a week.

Though cheat days bestow you freedom to consume foods of your choice, you are advised to keep moderation in your eating habits because your body requires specific and high quality foods to run perfectly well.

You can consume tuna, turkey, lean beef, eggs, chicken, spinach, green beans, zucchini, asparagus, lettuce, mushroom, onions, banana, grapefruit, mango, blueberries, oatmeal, peanut butter, flaxseed, sweet potato, avocado etc. in your meals.

Sample Diet Plan

Lifestyle cut diet abides by a completely different as well as effective approach. Unlike other low carb diet plans, lifestyle cut diet doesn’t insist consumption of high protein foods in every meal of the day or consume carb with proteins only.

It rather follows a balanced approach and asks its dieters to consume healthy fats along-with protein and carbs. Let’s have a look at one of the sample menu plans of diet schedule.


You can have omelet made of eggs, mushroom and spinach, whole wheat toast, blueberries etc. in your breakfast.

Mid-Morning Snacks

You can have green beans, grapefruit, two spoons of whey protein mixed in water, and peanut butter etc. in mid-morning snacks.


You can have chicken, broccoli, brown rice, almonds etc. in your lunch.

Mid-Afternoon Snacks

You can have almond butter, banana, raw celery, whey protein etc. in mid-morning snacks.


You can have avocado with salsa, lettuce, grilled tuna etc. in your dinner.
