So Madonna has pretty much dumped steroid-pumping Alex Rodriguez for 22-year-old Brazilian model Jesus Luz. Madge has made a handful of semi-public appearances with the drop-dead gorgeous model, whom she met at a photo-shoot for W Magazine. A-Rod is said to be so distraught he turned to the wife he spurned for Madonna and had a fling in the Bahamas with two women who were making out in front of him at a bar.

Now there’s further evidence that Madonna and Jesus Luz are for real. Jesus is pulling the same Kabbalah-conversion stuff that Guy Ritchie and A-Rod were forced to go through to get into the Madge Vadge Motel. Jesus Luz confirmed on his website that he’s joined the religion (or “religion”), spurning the Catholicism he was raised with. But how, you may ask, will he be able to afford the $50 Kabbalah water? Perhaps Madge is picking up the tab for her new lover. The Daily Mirror has more:

Jesus comforted Madonna in her hour of need… and now she’s made him rethink his entire faith.

In a miraculous about-turn, Brazilian model Jesus Luz has switched to Madge’s mysterious Kabbalah faith – despite being a strict Catholic. So smitten with the Material Girl is the 22-year-old hunk, he’s joined an online community for Kabbalah believers.

Jesus – recently seen cavorting semi-naked with Madge in a W magazine spread – has updated his website, informing “friends” about the move. Says our source: “Jesus’s family are very traditional and quite religious so this news is sure to come as something of a shock.

“But Jesus is totally taken with Madonna and is slightly in awe of her. Quite simply he can’t get enough, and finds her utterly compelling and bewitching.”

“The pair have spent a lot of time together in recent weeks and Madonna’s chatted quite freely about her personal beliefs – especially Kabbalah.” Madge has obviously made quite an impression on the boy from Brazil. He has taken a real interest in it and started making a few online enquiries into the faith,” our source goes on.

“He has joined an online Kabbalah group and is keen to become an active member. Madonna has also offered to take him to the Kabbalah centre in New York and he is exceedingly keen to take her up on that.”

Since splitting with Guy Ritchie last year, Madge has been linked to baseball star A-Rod and now Jesus who, at 22, is 28 years her junior. Jesus’s newfound spiritual interest will raise a few eyebrows back in his native homeland – Kabbalah is not big in Brazil. But Jesus claims not to worry about that.

In his online profile, Jesus writes: “It is not important what others think about us. The most important thing is to have a clear conscience, even if I am condemned. We can not forget that Jesus was condemned.”

From The Daily Mirror

Oh, sweet Jesus. Can you still have a martyr complex when you’re a Kabbalah-following douche named Jesus? I do feel bad for the kid – and truly, he is a kid. Madonna knew exactly what she was doing when she sunk her claws into this hottie. At this point, he probably doesn’t even know which end is up.

I’m giving some begrudging respect to Madonna, though. I have absolutely no idea how she got A-Rod to so publicly humiliate himself and his wife all to have a little time in the Madge Vadge Motel. I have no idea what a 22-year-old hottie would see in The Gristle, except for maybe a naive belief that it might be cool for a little while. What hidden talents does this woman have? How can I get them?

Madonna and Jesus are shown out together in NY on 2/1/09. Credit: SplashNews
